
The first step towards using Markdoc is to install it. Luckily, it uses setuptools, so you can install it with relative ease on any system with Python. Note that most modern UNIX distributions come with a sufficiently recent version of Python, including Mac OS X, Ubuntu (and derivatives) and Fedora.


The minimum requirements to run the Markdoc utility are:


You can use either easy_install or pip to install Markdoc:

$ easy_install Markdoc # OR
$ pip install Markdoc

Note that you are likely to see a lot of scary-looking output from both commands; nevertheless, you can tell whether installation was successful by looking at the last line of the output. With easy_install, this should be:

Finished processing dependencies for Markdoc

And with pip install:

Successfully installed ... Markdoc ...

pip will list all of the packages it installed, and Markdoc should be amongst them.

Making a Wiki

Initializing the Wiki

The markdoc init command creates a new wiki. It also accepts a --vcs-ignore option which will automatically create the appropriate ignore file for your VCS.

$ markdoc init my-wiki --vcs-ignore hg
markdoc.vcs-ignore: INFO: Writing ignore file to .hgignore
markdoc.init: INFO: Wiki initialization complete
markdoc.init: INFO: Your new wiki is at: .../my-wiki

If you’re using SVN, you have to take a few more steps to set the svn:ignore property on the directory:

$ markdoc init my-wiki --vcs-ignore cvs
markdoc.vcs-ignore: INFO: Writing ignore file to .cvsignore
markdoc.init: INFO: Wiki initialization complete
markdoc.init: INFO: Your new wiki is at: .../my-wiki
$ cd my-wiki/
$ svn propset svn:ignore -F .cvsignore
$ rm .cvsignore

Editing Pages

Documents in a Markdoc wiki are located under the wiki/ subdirectory, and are plain Markdown files. Typically documents have a .md file extension, but in the wiki configuration you can specify others.

$ cd my-wiki/
$ vim wiki/somefile.md
# ... write some documents ...


Markdoc comes with a default set of templates and stylesheets, so you can build your wiki right away. Just run markdoc build, and all the HTML will be generated and output into the .html/ sub-directory (known as the HTML root).

$ markdoc build


You can view all the HTML in a browser easily by running the built-in server. markdoc serve accepts a large number of options, but on its own will serve your documentation on port 8008.

$ markdoc serve
markdoc.serve: INFO: Serving on

Now just open http://localhost:8008/ in your browser, and see your new Markdoc-powered wiki!

Author: Zoom.Quiet /mail / gittip / github